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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things for which I am Grateful

As Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow, I thought that I would take a moment and list a few things for which I am grateful.

1) I am thankful that Jesus Christ came to earth more than 2000 years ago to die on the cross for the sins of mankind, which paid for our redemption and salvation.

2) I am very thankful for the message of repentance, baptism in the wonderful name of Jesus for the remission of my sins, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Without this message, I would have never had a hope of the salvation that was provided for me.

3) I am grateful that I have received this precious salvation which has given me a pardon, but has also made me the heir of Jesus Christ, a child of the King of Kings.

4) I am thankful for the name of Jesus that I can call on when in trouble or in joy, and He will be there to answer me.

5) I am thankful for the Bible, the inspired Word of God, which shows me how to live my life in holiness and righteousness. It is a light to show me when I begin to stray from the right path, and it shows me how to live a life that is pleasing to God.

6) I am thankful for my Pastor and his wife who provide wise council and teach the Word. They give me instruction and clear direction so that I may walk this way more perfectly.

7) I am thankful for the various ministers that I have heard preach over the course of my life. There is always something to be gained when the Word is preached, no matter how long ago the preacher preached it. The Word is still as anointed and powerful as it was when it was first preached.

8) I am thankful for the Church which provides fellowship, comfort, strength, and aid when I have needed it. The Church is a very large and extended family. If a person is on a journey, they should be able to walk into in Apostolic church and be able to feel as if they are among family.

9) I am thankful for my Mom and Dad, also my Pastor and wife, who raised me to walk in the light of the Word. They have overseen my education and instruction in both school and the practicalities of everyday living.

10) I am thankful for friends with whom I can communicate and enjoy Christian fellowship.

I have much more to be thankful for, but I figure that this list will cover it for now. Let us remember that we need to always be expressing our gratitude for the many blessings that we have been granted, and never let us take these gifts lightly.


Uncle Russ said...

11. And I'm thankful for my uncle who is now messing up my blog post.

Actually, I'm thankful for you guys. Dale is great and sister Donna is always full of compassion. Anthony is always engaging and Phillip is contemplative. And I especially like that other fella... what was his name again? Oh yeah, Jonathan :) I like his writing style. It's clear you were all raised in an environment of love.

Jonathan said...

Uncle Russ, you have in no way messed up my blog. My family in no way does that to me. I thank you for the very kind and gracious words. I love you and Aunt Mami very much and can hardly wait to see you again.