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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why I am Jesus Only (Only the Title is Controvercial) :D

I hope that you enjoy this non-exhaustive list that I thought of this morning.

 1) Jesus is the only way to God.

 2) Jesus is the only true God.

 3) Only Jesus was God manifest in human flesh.

 4) Only Jesus had a host of angels announcing His birth.

 5) Only Jesus died on a cross for the sins of all the world.

 6) Only Jesus rose from a tomb after three days.

 7) Only Jesus ascended into Heaven and sits enthroned in power, glory, and majesty.

 8) Jesus is the only Savior.

 9) Jesus is the only Healer.

10) Jesus is the only Redeemer.

11) Jesus is the only Provider.

12) Jesus is my only Protector.

13) Jesus is the only Comforter.

14) Jesus alone forgave my sins.

15) Jesus alone washed my sins away.

16) Jesus alone filled me with the Holy Ghost.

17) Jesus alone will be calling His church home to be with Him.

18) Jesus alone is the coming King and Judge of the world.

19) Jesus alone will be the focus of those who dwell with Him throughout all eternity.

I am thankful that I was baptized in the only Name under heaven given among men that can save. Jesus is the only God who is worth serving, for there is no other deity that has ever done what He has done for us!

A Brief Update

Well here is my update. Some things fell apart on me after that my last post in November, and I have not felt much like writing until now. However, things are coming back together.

My credit cards are paid off, I have a new used car, and my remaining debt will be clear no later than November. However, since I am focusing on my debt, I am uncertain of how much traveling I will accomplish this year. However, having said that, I am certain that I will be on the move next year. That is the plan for the moment. Today also is a rare double feature as my next post follow immediately.